warming interior


Indication: deficiency cold in the middle jiao (SP/ST)

caused by: SP/ST yang def + external cold

Herbs: Ganjiang, Wuzhuyu, Shujiao, Shengjiang + herbs invigorating qi / spleen 


Li Zhong Wan

Pills to Regulate the Middle Jiao (Spleen and Stomach)




Deficiency cold of the spleen and stomach, such as: 

(a) stomach and intestine disorders; 

(b) loss of blood due to spleen Yang deficiency; 

(c) infantile convulsions; 

(d) obstruction in the chest. 

Manifested mainly by: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, no thirst, abdominal pain, poor appetite


  1. To warm the middle jiao (spleen and stomach) and dispel cold. 
  2. To tonify Qi and strengthen the spleen.

Analysis of formula:

Ganjiang – pungent, hot, warm SP/ST and dispel cold

Renshen – tonify primary qi and invigorate SP qi

Baizhu – tonify SP and dry damp

Gancao – benefit SP qi and harmonize all ingredients


Ganjiang 5 g

Renshen 6 g

Baizhu 9 g

Gancao 6 g

Method Used: decoction or pills

Applications: Indigestion, chronic diarrhea, functional uterine bleeding, bloody stool due to gastroduodenal ulcer and angina pectoris.


  1. Loss of blood due to Yang deficiency      + Ejiao, Aiye and Lujiaojiao
  2. Pain in the chest   + Danshen, Gualou, Yujin and Zhiqiao



Which herb is the king, Ganjiang or Renshen? Why?

How to warm spleen yang?


Xiao Jian Zhong Tang

Minor Decoction to Restore the Normal Function of the Middle Jiao



Abdominal pain due to weakness and coldness in the spleen and stomach

Manifested by: 

1) paroxysmal pain in the epigastrium (relieved by warmth and pressure), pale tongue proper with thin and white coating, thready, wiry and retarded pulse; or 

2) palpitation, irritability, pale complexion; or 

3) four limbs soreness, fever of hands and feet, dry throat/mouth 


  1. To warm and tonify the middle jiao (spleen and stomach). 
  2. To dispel cold and stop pain.

Analysis of formula:

Yitang – invigorate SP qi, nourish SP yin, warm the middle, moisten LU, soothe LV, stop pain  

Guizhi — warm yang qi

Baishao — nourish the blood and pacify LV

Gancao – benefit qi 

Gancao + Dazao — To tonify SP/ST, harmonize ying / wei, 


Yitang (Maltose) 30 g

Guizhi             9 g

Baishao 18 g

Gancao 6 g

Shengjiang 10 g

Dazao             12 pcs

Applications: Gastric and duodenal ulcers 

Method Used:  decoction, 5 herbs first, then Yitang is added.



1) What is the significance of Gancao combined with Guizhi?   

2) What is the significance of Gancao combined with Baihsao?                                                                                                       

3) Which herbs are combined to show the principle — “the pungent and sweet can be transformed into yang ” and “the pungent and sweet can be transformed into yin”?

4) What is the difference between compositions of Guizhi Tang and Xiao Jian Zhong Tang? 


Da Jian Zhong Tang

Major construct the middle soup



Yang def in the middle jiao, excessive internal cold, manifested as:

very severe abdominal pain, does not tolerate touch, epigastrium also feels cold, may be severe vomiting (can’t keep food down), borborygmus, T- white slippery coat, P- thin tight, or slow wiry. 


Warms & tonifies mid Jiao deficiency, redirects rebel Qi, relieves pain


Chuan Jiao – pungent/hot, warm SP/ST, disperse cold/damp, bring down qi, stop pain

Gan Jiang – pungent/hot, warm SP/ST, disperse cold/damp, stop pain and vomiting

Ren Shen + Yi Tang – warm and tonify SP/ST


Chuan Jiao 3-9g

Gan Jiang 12g

Ren Shen 6g

Yi Tang (maltose)…18-30g (add to the strained decoction)

Method Used: decoction



After taking this formula, it better to take porridge, why? 


Xiao Jian Zhong Tang:  

pungent /sweet + sour/sweet, yang def/yin def, mild, abdonman

Da Jian Zhong Tang:  

pungent/sweet, yang def cold, strong, stomach


Wu Zhu Yu Tang

Decoction of Evodia Fruit Combination




Vomiting due to deficiency cold of SP / ST and perversion of Qi, Manifested by: 

Vomiting immediately after intake of food, stifling sensation and fullness in the epigastric region, epigastric pain, acid regurgitation


  1. To warm and tonify the spleen and stomach. 
  2. To conduct perversion of Qi downward and stop vomiting.


Wuzhuyu  —  pungent, bitter, dry, hot, warm ST and dispel cold, bring down ST qi

Renshen – tonify primary qi, benefit yin 

Shengjiang + Dazao – disperse cold, nourish SP


Wuzhuyu 3 g

Renshen 6 g

Shengjiang 18 g

Dazao   4 pcs

Applications: Acute and chronic gastritis, neurotic headache, Meniere’s syndrome and migraine.

Method Used: decoction

Cautions: This decoction may induce further vomiting. It should be taken cold and more frequently.

Others:  yangmin, jieyin, shaojin deficiency cold


2 Restore yang and save critical reverse 

Yang depleted

Extreme cold in the interior and exterior, or deficiency yang floating up

Fuzi, Ganjiang, Rougui

Si Ni Tang

Decoction to Treat Cold Limbs




1) Syndrome of excessive Yin and declined Yang, manifested as: cold limbs, aversion to cold, curled up sleep, fatigued and sleepy, no thirst, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, pale tongue with white coating, thready and forceless pulse; 

2) Excessive Yin and collapsed Yang, manifested as: profuse sweating, cold limbs, listlessness, coma, pale complexion, cyanosis on the lips and nails, weak, thready and fading pulse, pale tongue and white coating.


To restore the Yang after collapse


(Sheng) Fuzi – extremely pungent, extremely hot, toxic, replenish “gate fire”, search and disperse cold in 12 meridians (in the exterior and interior) restore Yang and dispel cold

Ganjiang – pungent, hot, warm yang, expel cold in middle jiao

Gancao – detoxify Fuzi, harmonize


Raw Aconite (Sheng Fuzi) 5-10 g

Dried ginger (Ganjiang) 6-9 g

Licorice (Gancao) 6 g

Applications: Coma 

Method Used: First, cook Fuzi an hour earlier

Modifications: Severe coma. Add: Ginseng (Renshen).

Note: 1) Representative formula for recuperation from collapse.

          2) Fuzi + Ganjiang: “no Ganjiang, no hot effect of Fuzi” 


Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang

Restore and revive the Yang soup



Yang depleting, cold attacking three yin, manifested as chills, like to curl up, cold extremities, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain, lethargy, constant desire to sleep, pale tongue with white coat, deep faint or imperceptible pulse, may also be cyanosis of lips and fingernails. 


To restore yang and save life, to replenish qi and revive pulse

Sini Tan + Rou Gui – warm primary yang, dispel cold

Liujunzi Tang – replenish SP/ST

Wu Wei Zi – combine with Renshen to replenish qi and restore pulse

She Xiang – activate 12 meridians, combine with Wuweizi, disperse/astringe, lead others herbs to all the body.


Shu Fu Zi 9g

Gan Jiang 6g

Zhi Gan Cao 6g

Rou Gui 3g

Ren Shen 6g

Chao Bai Zhu 9g

Fu Ling 9g

Chen Pi 6g

Ban Xia 9g

Wu Wei Zi 3g

She Xiang ( Take 0.1g just before taking the decoction)

Applications: Periodontitis, acute stomatitis, diabetes

Method Used: decoction



1) Shu Fuzi is used in which formular, Sini Tang or Hui Yang Jiu Ji Tang?

2) What is the significance of combination of Wu Wei Zi and She Xiang?

3) What is the significance of combination of Wu Wei Zi and Ren Shen?


3 Warm up channels and disperse cold (2)


yany def + yin blood def  +  exterior cold obstructing meridains


warm yang/dispel cold+warm meridians/dispel cold+nourish blood/dredge collaterals

Dang Gui Si Ni Tang 

Decoction of Chinese Angelica Combination to Treat Cold Limbs



Yang def and blood def, and external cold attack, manifested as: 

Cold limbs, cold pain, pale tongue with white coating, deep, thready and fading pulse


  1. To warm meridians and dispel cold. 
  2. To nourish the blood and dredge meridians

Danggui – pungent, bitter, sweet, warm, to nourish the blood and activate blood circulation

Baishao — to nourish the blood

Guizhi + Xixin — to warm the meridians and dispel (internal and external) cold

Gancao + Dazao — To tonify Qi and strengthen SP for production of Qi and blood

Tongcao — To invigorate the blood circulation and remove blood stagnation


Chinese angelica (Danggui) 12 g

White peony (Baishao) 9 g

Cinnamon twigs (Guizhi) 9 g

Asarum (Xixin) 1.5 g

Licorice (Gancao) 5 g

Jujube (Dazao) 8 pcs

Ricepaper pith (Tongcao) 3 g

Applications: Thromboangiitis, athetosis, frostbite, dysmenorrhea and chronic rheumatoid arthritis

Method Used: decoction


Huang Qi Gui Zhi Wu Wu Tang

Astragalus cinnamon twig five substance soup



Blood bi syndrome, manifested as: numbness of muscle, P- faint, choppy tight.

Functions: Invigorate qi, warm meridians, remove obstruction


Huang Qi (radix astragali membranacei)…12g

Gui Zhi (ramulus cinnamomi cassiae)…9g

Bai Shao Yao (radix paeoniae)…9g

Sheng Jiang (rhizome zingiberis officinalis recens)…12g

Da Zao (fructus jujubae)…12 pieces

Method Used: decoction