Clearing heat 2

5 Clear heat in the Zang-fu (organ network) (9)


Long Dan Xie Gan Tang

Decoction of Chinese Gentiana Combination to Purge Liver Fire


long dan xie gan tang, dragan


Flaring up of fire in the liver and gallbladder, or damp-heat in the lower jiao.


1.To clear excessive fire in the liver and gallbladder.

2. To clear damp-heat in the lower jiao.

long dan xie gan tang, red eyes

1) Excessive fire in LV / GB head, eyes and ears, 

+ LV Qi stagnation, causing: 

Bitter taste in the mouth, red, swelling pain in the eye, swollen ear, tinnitus, deafness, headache, hypochondriac pain, or

2) Damp-heat in LV / GB → lower jiao, causing: 

Swelling or itching in the genital organs, yellow leucorrhea, turbid urine, painful urination

Longdancao: extremely bitter/cold, clear and push downward LV/GB fire in the middle jiao + clear and remove damp heat in the lower jiao

long dan xie gan tang, long dan cao

Huangqin, Zhizi: bitter/cold, clear fire and dry dampness

Zexie, Mutong, Cheqianzi: eliminate heat/dampness through urination

Danggui, Shengdihuang: prevent yin damage

Chaihu: (Hi, guys follow me to LV/GB!)

Gancao: harmonize


Chinese gentiana (Longdancao) 6 g

Scutellaria (Huangqin) 9 g

Capejasmine fruit (Zhizi) 9 g

Alisma (Zexie) 12 g

Clematis stem (Mutong) 9 g

Plantain seed (Cheqianzi) 9 g

Chinese angelica (Danggui) 3 g

Fresh rehmannia (Shengdihuang) 9 g

Bupleurum (Chaihu) 6 g

Licorice (Gancao) 6 g

Applications: Acute conjunctivitis, acute media otitis, acute icteric hepatitis, acute cholecystitis, hypertension, acute urethritis, acute prostatitis, orchitis, acute pelvic inflammation and swollen genital organs.

Method Used: decoction


Zuo Jin Wan

Pills of Coptis and Evodia Fruit



LV fire attacks ST 


1. To clear fire in the liver.

2. To descend the perversion of Qi and stop vomiting.

LV qi Stagnation Hypochondriac distention and pain

LV qi →fire → ST qi↑→ Nausea, vomiting and acid regurgitation, belching

Heat Dry mouth, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry and rapid pulse

Formula Analysis:  

zuo jin wan, huang lian

Huanglian: bitter/cold, clear HT (son) for suppressing LV

Wuzhuyu: pungent/warm, “adverse adjuvant”, restricts the coldness of Huanglian, also enters LV to bring down qi and harmonize ST

Composition:   6 : 1 

Coptis (Huanglian) 180 g

Evodia fruit (Wuzhuyu) 15-30 g

Method Used: pills or decoction


Yu Nu Jian

The Fair Maiden Decoction of Rehmannia and Gypsum Combination



Excessive fire in ST and Yin deficiency in KI (toothache, headache, diabetes)

yu nu jian, swollen gum


To clear heat in the stomach and replenish Yin

Formula Analysis:  

shi gao: clear stomach heat

shud di huang: nourish kidney yin

zhi mu: bitter, cold, moistening — assists shi gao in clearling stomach heat

mai men dong: sweet and cold, moistening — assist shu di huang to nourish kidney yin

gan cao: detoxify and harmonizing all herbs

Niu xi: nourish kidney yin and bring down heat


Gypsum (Shigao) 15-30 g

Prepared rehmannia (Shudihuang) 9-30 g

Anemarrhena (Zhimu) 4.5 g

Ophiopogon root (Maimendong) 6 g

Achyranthes (Niuxi) 4.5 g

Applications: Periodontitis, acute stomatitis, diabetes

Method Used: decoction


Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang

Ting Li Zi & Da Zao to drain the Lungs soup



Drives out Phlegm-fluids from LU, brings down the LU qi and calms wheezing


Retention of phlegmfluid in the chest, manifested by: 

Cough, wheezing, fullness and distension in chest, whole body edema, nasal congestion with clear discharge, loss of taste and smell

Formula Analysis:  

Ting Li Zi – pungent, bitter, very cold, purges Phlegmfluids from LU

Da Zao – sweet, warm, tonifies the Spleen, restricts the bitterness and coldness of Ting Li Zi


Ting Li Zi (semen descurainiae seu lepidii)…9-12g

Da Zao (fructus Zizyphi jujubae)…12 pieces

Method Used: decoction


Review — Ting Li Zi

Meridians: Lung and urinary bladder


  1. To reduce phlegm in the lungs and soothe asthma; 
  2. To promote urination and reduce edema


  1. Retention of phlegm fluid in the lungs manifested as cough with profuse sputum, asthma, fullness and distension in the chest and hypochondriac region, asthma in which patient cannot lie flat and edema of the face.
  2. Edema or dysuria. 


What is the distinguished difference between Tinglizi and other herbs for stopping cough / soothing asthma (ig, Xingren, Baibu, Zhiyuan, Kuandonghua, Suzi, Sangbaipi, Pipaye, Madouling, Baiguo)?

Note: Ting Li Da Zao Xie Fei Tang is a formula mainly for eliminating phlegm fluid rather than clearing LU heat.


                                     Heart & Small Intestine

Dao Chi San

Powder of Fresh Rehmannia and Clematis Stem to Conduct the Fire Downward



  1. To clear heat in the heart and replenish Yin. 
  2. To promote urination.

Indications: excessive heat in the heart channels, manifested by: irritability, thirst and prefer cold drink, flushed face, tongue and mouth ulcers; or painful and difficult urination with darkish red urine. 

Analysis of formula:

Sheng di huang cool blood and replenish Yin so as to reduce HT fire

Mutong – clear heat in HT, clear SI and promote urination

Gancao — reduce fire and stop urethra pain 

Zhuye – clear heat in HT and relieve irritability, 

promote urination and conduct heat downward


Fresh rehmannia (Shengdihuang) 10 g

Clematis stem (Mutong) 10 g

Licorice (Gancao) 10 g

Bamboo leaf (Zhuye) 10 g

Method Used: decoction or powder

Applications: Acute urinary tract infection and ulceration of the oral cavity.


  1. Severe ulceration of the mouth and tongue. Add: Coptis (Huanglian). 
  2. Severe urinary tract infection. Add: Small thistle (Xiaoji), Capejasmine fruit (Zhizi) and Plantain seed (Cheqianzi).


Questions:  In this formula,

1) Which herb is best at relieving irritability due to HT heat?

2) Which herb is best at promoting urination? 


Xie Bai San

Drain the White powder


Functions:  clears Lung Heat, stops cough and calms breath

Indications: cough due to heat stagnating in LU, manifested by: shortness of breath (tendency to have asthma), heat steaming sensation of skin (worsen in the afternoon), red tongue with yellow coating, thin and rapid pulse.

Analysis of formula:

Sang Bai Pi – sweet, cold, purges lung and clear stagnated heat, resolve phlegm

Di Gu Pi – sweet, bland, cold, purges remained LU fire and clear deficiency heat

Zhi Gan Cao + Geng Mi – benefits ST for aiding LU qi


Chao Sang Bai Pi (dry fried cortex mori albae radicis)…30g

Di Gu Pi (cortex lucii radicis)…30g

Zhi Gan Cao (honey fried radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…3g

Geng Mi (non-glutinous rice)…15-30g

Method Used: decoction or powder


1) This formula is designed originally for children.

2) Heat steaming sensation of skin is caused by yin damage.



1) Why don’t use Huangqin and Huanglian to clear lung heat?

2) Why is Digupi used?


Qing Wei San

Powder to Clear Heat in the Stomach



  1. To clear heat in the stomach. 
  2. To cool the blood.

Indications: Upward attack of ST heat along Yangming meridian, manifested by toothache, which prefers cold rather than heat, headache, flushed face; or swelling, bleeding and ulceration of the gums; offending smell in the mouth, thirst, red tongue with yellow coating, wiry and large rapid pulse.

Analysis of formula:

HuanglianTo clear heat

Shengdihuang + Mudanpi — To clear heat and cool the blood

Danggui — To nourish the blood, invigorate blood circulation and relieve swelling

Shengma – To guide others in Yangming meridian; to disperse fire; to help Huanglian clear fire in the upper


Coptis (Huanglian) 3-5 g

Fresh rehmannia (Shengdihuang) 12 g

Moutan bark () 9 g

Chinese angelica (Danggui) 6 g

Cimicifuga (Shengma) 6 g

Method Used: decoction or powder

Applications: Stomatitis, periodontitis and trigeminal neuralgia


  1. Gum bleeding. Add: Achyranthes (Niuxi). 
  2. Severe swollen gum. Add: Lonicera flower (Jinyinhua).



1) Why is Shengma used?

2) Which herb is king?

3) What kind of toothache does this formula indicate?

                                                     Large Intestine

Shao Yao Tang


Functions: regulates & harmonizes Qi & blood, clears Heat, detoxify

shao yao tang, dysentery, colon

Indications: Damp-heat dysentery, manifested by:

shao yao tang, neural pathways, defecate

diarrhea, pain, and tenesmus (always wanting to go to defecate but not producing significant amounts of stool), difficulty with bowel movements, pus and blood in the stool, burning anus (ring of fire), T- greasy yellow coat, P- rapid (soft or slippery)

shao yao tang, dysentery

Analysis of formula:

Bai Shao Yao + Gan Cao — regulate Blood and Ying

                  + Gan Cao — moderates spasm

Huang Lian + Huang Qinclear heat and dry damp

                     + Da Huang — purge Heat (bring heat downward)

Bing Lang + Mu Xiang move Qi and relieve stagnation

Rou Gui – warm, adverse adjuvant


Bai Shao Yao (radix paeoniae la ctiflorae)…15-20g

Dang Gui (radix angelicae sinensis)…6-9g

Gan Cao (radix glycyrrhizae uralensis)…4.5g

Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…6-9g

Huang Qin (radix scutellariae)…9-12g

Da Huang (radix and rhizoma rhei)…6-9g

Mu Xiang (radix aucklandiae lappae)…4.5g

Bing Lang (semen arecae catechu)…4.5g

Rou Gui (cortex cinnamomi cassiae)…1.5-3g

Method Used: decoction


1) Which herb is used in heaviest dosage in this formula? Why?

2) What is the mostly common used method for treating diarrhea / dysentery?

3) Why is Da Huang used? 

4) Why is Rou Gui used?

5) What is Gan Cao’s function?


Bai Tou Weng Tang **


bai tou weng tang, bai tou weng

Functions:  clear Heat & detoxify bowels, cool blood & stop dysentery

Indications: dysentery due to heat, manifested by:

Intestinal pain, tenesmus, burning anus, more blood than pus mixed with stool, thirst with preference to drink, T- red with yellow coat, P- wiry rapid.

Analysis of formula:

Blood/pus/stool mixture ST/LI qi/blood toxic heat

Bai Tou Weng *** – clear toxic heat in blood, cool blood 

Huang Lian – bitter, cold, clear heat in ST/LI

Huang Bai – clear heat in the lower jao

Qin Pi – cold, bitter, astringent, clear toxic heat, astringe diarrhea


Bai Tou Weng (radix pulsatillae chinensis)…6g

Huang Lian (rhizoma coptidis)…9g

Huang Bai (cortex phellodendri)…9g

Qin Pi (cortex fraxini)…9g

Method Used: decoction



Why is Qinpi not used in Shao Yao Tang?  

Why are Mu Xiang and Bing Lang used in Shao Yao Tang?