About Dr. Kevin Hu (Kewu Hu)

- Registered acupuncturist and herbalist;
- Ph.D. in TCM;
- Former physician of integrative Chinese and Western medicine in a public hospital in China;
- Former professor at a TCM university in China;
- Co-writer of many published TCM books;
- Principal writer of many professional research papers in published core medical journals in China;
- Former instructor in TCM colleges in Victoria, BC
- 36 years of valuable and established professional experience
Working Experience
2017 to 2024
Acupuncturist and herbalist at BayVan Clinic of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine.
2017 to 2022
Practiced acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine.
TCM instructor at Pacific Rim College, Victoria, and Royal Pacific Institute (Oshio College), Victoria.
Taught key courses such as diagnosis, herbology, and herbal formula.
2007 to 2022
TCM instructor at Pacific Rim College.
As the first instructor with experience from China, taught many courses and significantly improved the college’s TCM educational quality.
2004 to 2007
Principal TCM instructor at International College of TCM, Victoria.
Taught essential TCM courses.
2000 to 2004
Associate professor and registered TCM doctor at Guangzhou University of TCM.
Taught and trained international acupuncture and herbal medicine students, and assisted in training Ph.D. and master’s degree students.
(Employment certificate for Associate Professor of Guangzhou University of TCM.)
1994 to 2000
Researcher on cardiovascular and endocrine diseases.
Treated patients and conducted clinical research in hospitals; performed animal experiments in the lab; assisted in training graduate students with little to no experience in independent clinical practice.
1986 to 1994
Senior integrative Chinese and Western medicine physician, herbalist, and acupuncturist at Changhang General Hospital.
1994 to 2000
Ph.D. and Master’s degree in TCM
Guangzhou University of TCM.
Received training in clinical and laboratory research in endocrine and cardiovascular systems
1986 to 1990
Received strict training in Wester medicine (Internal Medicine) in the Changhang General Hospital in Wuhan.
1981 to 1986
Bachelor’s degree in TCM, Hubei University of TCM.
Studied herbal medicine, acupuncture, and basic Western medicine.
Courses Taught
Backbone courses:
- TCM Foundation
- TCM Diagnosis
- TCM Herbology
- TCM Formulas
- TCM Internal Medicine
Essential courses:
- TCM Gynecology
- TCM Dermatology
- Yellow Emperor’s Internal Medicine (Classic)
- Cold Damage (Classic)
- Jin Gui Yao Lue (Classic)
- Warm Diseases (Classic)
- Acupuncture Clinic Supervision
Other courses:
- TCM Pediatrics
- Acupuncture Gynecology
- Advanced TCM Herbology
- TCM Pharmacology
- Pharmacology
- Modern TCM Development
- Acupuncture Dermatology
- Acupuncture Clinical Demonstration
- Three Seeds Healthcare Tea, Family Doctor, International Edition 家庭医生 海外版. 1998, (8): 78
Books (co-author)
- TCM Five Zang Organ Internal Medicine (中医内科五脏病学). ISBN:7-5359-2388-7; 2001
- TCM Internal Medicine (中医内科学). 2002. OCLC Number: 928135726
- Unique Treatment on Hypertension by TCM (高血壓病的中醫特色療法). ISBN 781010795X. 2004
- A Color Atlas of Tongue Diagnostics and Its Ancient and Modern Research. ISBN 7-5359-3146-4/R.510. 2004
Research Papers
1 From the graduate degree projects
a) Lab Research
- Anti-Goiter Decoction Regulating Protein Expression of Apoptosis Related Genes. Research Paper Collection, the 3rd China Guangzhou International Traditional Chinese Medicine Academic Conference 第三届中国广州国际中医药学术会议 论文集. 2001. 1. (Ph.D.)
- Laboratory Research on Jian Pi Chu Tan Decoction: Anti-0xidation and Anti-hyperlipidemia. Fujian Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 福建中医药. 1998,(5):35-36. (Master’s degree)

b) Clinic Research
- Clinical Effect of Jia Zhong Fang on Non-toxic Goiter. Journal of Guangzhou University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 广州中医药大学学报. 2002, (2). (Ph.D.)
- Clinic effect of Jian Pi Chu Tan Jiang zhi Tang on 30 Cases of Hyperlipidemia. Hunan Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 湖南中医杂志. 1997, 13 (4):9-9. (Master’s degree)
2. Others on Chinese medicines, clinic
- Clinical Observation on Hypertension of Liver-Kidney Yin Deficiency. Liaoning Journal of TCM 辽宁中医杂志. 1996,23(12):542-543
- Clinical Research: Xu Fu Zhu Yu Tang Treating CHD Angina. Hubei Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine 湖北中医杂志. 1997, (04) 14-15
- Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Capsule Treating Indigestion. China Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine Information 中国中医药信息杂志. 2000, (2)
3. On integrative Western medication and Chinese medicine
- Combination of Cisapride and Xiang Sha Liu Jun Zi Wan Treating Indigestion. Guangdong Medical Journal 广东医学. 2000, 21(4) 332-333
- Xue Fu Zhu Yu Tang’s Effect on Unstable Angina. Practical Journal of Integrative Chinese and Western Medicine 实用中西医结合杂志. 1998,11(16):1559-1560
4. On ancient literature
- Understanding Li Dongyuan’s “Yin” Fire. Chinese Medicine Forum 国医论坛.1998,13(5):42
Languages; Hobbies
Speak fluent Mandarin, two dialects and English, and communicable Cantonese.
Swim; play table tennis; listen to music; jog; practice qi gong meditation, and play guitar and harmonica.